
Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014

From Launceston to Melbourne

Hello my dear blog readers

Yesterday I arrived in Melbourne, and to be honest, this city is awesomely awesome! I like it more than Sydney. Not more than Manly, but definitely lovlier than Sydney. 
I stood up very early in Launceston Arthouse Hostel and the first thing I did was having a shower. Having showers in hostels is a very exhausting thing I reckon, because you have to think about everything you'll need in the shower and bring everything with you. Things like shampoo, towel, underwear, fresh cloth to put on and so on. Every time... If you forget something you will have to go back and pick it up. Last but not least: the key of your room! 
Than the other thing is, me as a girl I don't want to have a shower before I go to bed, because that would mean that I have to go to bed with wet hair. So I have to shower in the morning. 
Thats the story about having a shower in hostels.
After I had my shower I went to the kitchen and I had my breakfast. Than I took my things and went to the busstation, where my bus left from Launceston to Hobart, because my flight went from the airport in Hobart. The bustrip took 2 hours 30 min. During the bustrip I could see a lovely landscape and very remote places. The sun was shining but in the bus it was freezing because of the airconditioner... so I had iced feet. 
Whatever, we arrived late in Hobart, which meant that I had to take a f***ing taxi to the airport which costet me 40 bugs!!! Damn. A very freaky old lady as my taxidriver took me there. 
When I arrived I was surprised again how tiny the airport was. The check in took me less than 5 min and than I waited for my boarding. I sat on a random table with an Indian very very very very very beautiful lady. Seriously guys, that lady was SO beautiful. She obviously had dark skin and ultra long black straight hair. She wore dark red lipstick and had light blue eyes! 
I was sitting there very shy and looking around when she suddenly started talking to me. Her teeth were big and white and she had a beautiful British accent. She was such a nice lady. So we talked about god and the world and while I stared in her eyes I realised that she had coloured contact lenses. Ha! You can only see it if you look carefully. Clever lady. With her dark skin it looked amazing obviously. I don't know her name but I learned that she is a lawyer and is originally from London. She moved to Tasmania because of her husband. She already has grown up kids which means that she is at least 40. And she had no single wrinkle. I was amazed. 
She missed her flight because she was talking to me. oops. 
My flight went quick, we flew for 1 hour 20 min and I arrived at 3.30pm in Melbourne. After my baggage claim I took the bus (there is no good public transport in Melbourne) for again fu***ing 18 bugs to the center. From the center I decided to walk to the hostel, I was sick of expensive trips. 
I walked for 30 min with a heavy backpack on my back and one on the front... I don't want to complain. Actually it was a funny experience to do that. 
Unfortunately they put me in a female dorm (seriously, I HATE female dorms... bitchfight!!!). There often are very old ladys who don't want to be disturbed and go to bed at 7pm and that sort of sh*t. You always hear "sssshhh!!!"... even when you're not really being loud... 
Whatever. They had no other rooms. 
On the reception is a very beautiful guy working, from which I couldn't keep my eyes off. He has a bush of curls on his head and was wearing a cylinder with a black leather jacket and boots. On his wrist he had lots of jewellery and also lots of rings. I know you maybe imagine someone really funny now. But I was amazed by his face. I can't even tell the colour of his eyes but his face was so pure and smooth. 
After me moving into the room I went buying food from the supermarked and cooked myself dinner. Later on I decided to talk to some more people and went to the living room. There I talked to Gary from Scotland. His English was awesome, not only because of his accent but also did he have a speech impediment, which was very cute. And I talked to Michael from the Netherlands. We were talking about God and the world for a while, than I went to bed. 

First a few pictures from Launceston.
on the right hand side you can see Jesse, my local friend from Launceston. His voice is unique. 

The Arthouse Hostel in Launceston

Jesse playing the piano

on my way to Hobart out of the bus... 

on my way to Hobart out of the bus

Now a few pictures from Melbourne!