
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014


Dieser Post ist wieder auf Deutsch. Ich glaube Abwechslung ist gut.
Heute habe ich mich spät auf den Weg gemacht. Um 11.00 Uhr beschloss ich, mir das Melbourne Museum anzuschauen. Was auch immer dort sein wird...
Ich tippte die Adresse auf meinem Handy ein und machte mich mit meinen abgelaufenen Flipflops auf den Weg. Als sich ein gigantisches, ultra modernes Gebäude sichten liess, wurde ich neugierig. Wie so oft wusste ich, dass ich nun den Haupteingang finden muss. Nach minutenlangem rumlaufen fand ich den Eingang zum IMax. Gross wurde Werbung gemacht für den neuen Hobbit Film. Ich war seit einer Ewigkeit nicht mehr im Kino! In der Schweiz bin ich mehrmals im Monat da. Also beschloss ich, mir die Nachmittagsvorstellung vom Hobbit anzuschauen.

Mir kommt gerade in den Sinn, dass ich euch gesagt habe, dass Jan Fitnessökologie studiert hat. Das stimmt nicht ganz. Er hat einen Ausschnitt meines Blogs gelesen und musste mich korrigieren, Fitnessökonomie! Ups, wie peinlich.

Ich stand Schlange bei der Ticketausgabe. Als ich endlich dran war kam der Schock: 28 Dollar!
Ich dachte mir, na gut, gönnst dir ja sonst nie was. Er war in 3D und als ich endlich im Saal sass, war mir auch klar, weshalb es so teuer war. Der Saal war RIESIG und die Leinwand GIGANTISCH. Meinen heissgeliebten Hobbit so zu sehen war natürlich klasse. Ich bereue diese 28 Dollar im Gegenteil.
Nach dem Film traf ich mich mit Laura, meiner Freundin aus der Schule. Wir haben uns im Fitzroy-Viertel getroffen. Wie soll ich es beschreiben... Es sind niedrige nostalgische Häuser lauter Kaffees und Secondhand-Läden. Laura hat sich wiedermal tot geshoppt. Genau so wie ich die liebe Laura kenne. Wir tranken Kaffee und sinierten darüber, wie schnell doch die Zeit in Australien rum ist und wie ätzend es ist, Zuhause wieder in den Alltag zu müssen. Laura fliegt heute in die Schweiz zurück solltet ihr wissen. Somit hat sie ihre letzten Stunden in Australien mit mir im süssesten Viertel Melbournes verbracht.
Nachdem wir uns mit Cookies vollgestopft hatten sind wir losgezogen. Ich verabschiedete mich von ihr und wünschte ihr eine gute Heimreise. Ganz traurig haben wir uns getrennt. Im Mai sehen uns wir dann wieder! Juhui.
Zurück im Hostel schnibbelte ich mir einen Fruchtsalat, mein Abendessen, nom nom.
Später habe ich mit vier Jungs aus Dänemark unterhalten, sie boten mir ein Bier an. Wir haben etwa für ne gute halbe Stunde geplappert, als ich beschlossen hatte, ins Bett zu hüpfen. Im Zimmer unterhielt ich mich noch mit Mädchen aus Kanada, die erst gerade angekommen sind.
Gute Nacht meine Lieben.

Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

Some more of Melbourne

Hello Dear Blog-Readers

Yesterday I made an appointment with some girls from my dorm and a girl I met in Launceston, Lina, she's here now as well. Lina is from Germany and only 18 years old. She's been travelling since September as well, but she didn't do any English course. Her father pays her everything, lucky her. We decided to go with a free tour called "I'mFree". Actually it was Lina's great idea to do that. I stood up at 9 o'clock in the morning, had one of these annying showers, ate breakfast (peanutbutter with bred and a black tea), and than me and Vitoria (she's also an 18 y/o travelling on her own, she's got a scolarship from her homecountry Brasil. She's studying at the University Perth) started walking towards the library where the tour starts. It's a tourguide who takes you around the city, telling you some historic stuff about it by feet. We were about 40 people ready to take off. He took us to mostly historic places such as buildings, china town and that sort of stuff. He told us a lot about Ned Kelly, an important person for Melbourne/Australia I guess.

Sorry to interrupt you guys but I was talking of strange people you meet in hostels before...
Another one: I'm sitting in the lounge of my hostel and there I see an 80 y/o watching TV. He's always wearing his cycling clothes. I've never seen him with other stuff. And everytime I'm in the kitchen, he's there as well... occupating the whole kitchen with his stuff and getting angry at people who are in his way. I've seen him arguing with one guy about nothing and I was told that's just the way he does. At the moment I'm with my earplugs but I can see him talking with a very young girl and I'm wondering what he's complaining about because he looks quite angry.

Further in context. The tour took about 3 hours but was really worth it. Not only because of burning calories but also learning a bit more about Melbourne. After the tour I felt very exhausted and I felt like doing something on my own. So I went for a walk through the CBD. You have to know that that day it was so hot. I think I burned myself a bit and I didn't drink enough water which was why I fell asleep on the rooftop of my hostel for about two hours!
After that I went to the supermarket and bought a whole heap of fruits to make fruit salad. I sat down and chopped everything and a Chinese guy observed me interested. As if he has never seen someone chopping fruits... Whatever.

Later on I phoned with my good friend Michael who's been in Australia a few years ago as well. I asked him for advice as I didn't know what to do until the 18th of January. Than I meet Simon in Brisbane for three weeks. The plan is going to Port Lincoln for one week and than Adelaide for a few days. Than I've got my flight to Brisbane. Yippie.

Today I stood up at approximately 10 o'clock and had a shower again as I swet a lot the other day. Excited I went to the kitchen and ate a bit of my fruitsalad. I was sitting there by myself when suddenly a guy talked to me in Swissgerman. I was very surprised because I haven't met a lot Swiss people while travelling. He said he was listening to me phoning the other day and heard my Swiss German. His name was Steve and he's from Zürich. Arg. Whatever, we actually had a nice talk but he left a bit apruptly, which was not so nice.
After this I went for a run in Melbourne... I ran in the direction of the city center. It was quite nice running through the crowd but I had to stand still a few times which wasn't much fun. After me running to death a heavy wind came across and blew me half over... I stretched a bit and than walked back to the hostel. Again I had a shower and than I took the tram for the first time to the city center. Actually it took me longer as if I just walked... There I met Laura! Laura was in school in Manly with me. So we had a bit of a reunion. We exchanged our experiences during the last few weeks and had a coffee in David Jones. After this we decided to go to the Casino as a friend of mine recommendet it. We just went there to have look, no gambling or that stuff. Seriously guys, it was huge. Massive. Colossal. Vast. I've seen Casinos in films, I've never really been in one. So it was my first time. It had two floors. No, actually more but the Casino itself occupated two floors. There was also a shopping department, a cinema and lots of restaurants and bars. Laura and me sat down for a bit as we both have a bit backpain these days. We talked even more but than we decided to seperate again. She flies home tomorrow, back to Switzerland. When I fly back home I will make a small summary about my trip I guess.

Now I'm sitting in the lounge as I told you before, when suddenly Jan scared me from behind. What a nice surprise. He did that the other day as well... We talked for a bit but than he left. At the moment I'm listening to music and telling you my story. I hope you guys don't get tired of reading it. Good night lovers!

"I'mFree"-Tour with funny tourguide.

Beatuiful Melbourne

China Town

Some more streetart in Melbourne


Reuinion Laura & Linda

Crown Casino

a bit of the Crown Casino inside

Shopping street in Melbourne with the huge H&M (which hasn't much different stuff than the one in Switzerland, obviously)

Freitag, 26. Dezember 2014

A funny reunion


I haven't talked to many people this last day, but it's fine. However, I guess you'd still say "oh my gosh Linda and you think thats not many people?"
Yesterday I met Camila, from who I already told you in my last blog.
I am sorry my friends, I start to feel a heavy tiredness... I think this is because of my very strange dorm-mate. She's approximately 35-38 years old and local. She lost her home, which is why she's living in the hostel. The first day I talked to her she suddenly told me everything whats going on in her life and started crying. What I can understand! Sometimes you just want to be comforted by someone else. I have that too sometimes. Anyway I wanted to give her a hug and she went very scared "please don't touch me." Which is fine... but still it was a bit strange... Everytime I enter the room, she escapes. Last night, she stood up twice very angry. I have no idea what she was saying, but she was very angry and went out of the room and came in again and was very noisy all the time. She complained about lights and that stuff. I think she is crazy. Something is not quite right with her. Anyway she makes me feel very uncomfortable in my room... which is why I am often on the rooftop of the hostel hanging around until late.

Some pictures of the day.

Queen Victoria Market Melbourne

In the building where the art gallery was

LiNda is awEsOME

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

Weihnachten in Melbourne

Hallo Liebe Blog-Leser

Dieser Blogeintrag ist auf Deutsch, da nicht ganz alle Englisch verstehen. 
Gestern habe ich mich dazu entschieden, ins Sealife Aquarium zu gehen. Ich hab sowas noch nie gemacht und gedacht, das wird mein Weihnachtsgeschenk an mich selbst. Hat schliesslich auch 30 Dollar gekostet...
Jedenfalls konnte mir Google kein gescheites Öv zum Museum organisieren, weswegen ich mich zu Fuss auf den Weg gemacht habe. Ich bin ca. 30min gelaufen. Ich habe sehr schöne Sachen auf den Weg gesehen, die Stadt ist sehr süss, viele kleine Läden mit Krimskrams und so weiter. 
Im Museum angekommen war niemand da. Klar, ist ja auch Weihnachten. Also das Museum war offen, hatte aber keine Leute. 
Also ich finde immernoch, dass der Eintritt etwas teuer war, aber es war unglaublich eindrücklich!!!
Zuerst bin ich durch enge Gänge geschlängelt und guckte mir viele farbige kleine Fische an und hab auch immer schön brav die Tafeln gelesen, um auch etwas zu lernen (bin ein braves Mädchen). 
Jedenfalls in der Mitte des Museums war dann ein riesiges Aquarium mit RIESIGEN Fischen. Es hatte grosse Haie und kleine Haie, Rochen und sonst eine Art Fisch, wovon ich mir nicht sicher bin, wie sie heisst. Jedenfalls waren gewisse Fische, vorallem den Rochen, riesig. Und es so direkt vor mir in einem riesigen Aquarium zu sehen war echt eindrücklich. Ich hätte den ganzen Tag dort sitzen können. Die Neugier war aber zu gross (in der Hoffnung noch ein grösseres Aquarium zu finden) bin ich losgezogen. Ich habe noch ein sehr grosses Krokodil gesehen. 
Als ich aus dem Gebäude raus war, kriegte ich einen Anruf von Cyril! Das hat mich sooo sehr gefreut. Wir haben für knappe 4 Minuten geredet. Er hat mir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht gezaubert. 
Ich beschloss noch die Stadt etwas zu erkunden und bin losgezogen. Die Stadt ist so schön Leute... Viele sehr farbige und grosse Häuser, Brücken, freundliche Menschen und süsse Cafe's, Ich bin alleine durch diese grosse Stadt geschländert und hab mir alles angeguckt. An diesem Morgen hatte es sooo viele Asiaten, ihr könnt es euch gar nicht vorstellen!!! Es war kein einziger Europäer zu sehen! Also ich denke das lag daran, das Weihnachtsmorgen ist und alle normalen Menschen bei ihrer Familie sind und die Asiaten ja keine Weihnachten feiern. 
Jedenfalls war es echt ein komisches Gefühl. Und nein, ich war nicht in China-Town, welches ich gesehen aber noch nicht besucht habe.
Heute treffe ich mich übrigens mit Camila. Camila hat ein Austauschjahr am Musegg gemacht und ist aus Chile solltet ihr wissen, Das war vor 4 Jahren... Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich mitgekriegt auf Facebook, dass sie sich gerade in Melbourne befindet, also haben wir beschlossen, uns zu treffen! 
Oh mein Gott, wir treffen uns am anderen Ende der Welt, verrückt, nicht?
Nachdem ich die Stadt etwas erkundet habe, bin ich zurückgewatschelt. Ich habe mir Internet im Hostel gekauft und angefangen Blog zu schreiben (den vom Vortag). Ich bin etwas rumgehangen, hab mit Leuten gequatscht und geduscht.
Nach dem ich mich gründlich sauber gemacht habe, habe ich mich aufs Dach des Hostels bewegt, wo das Weihnachts BBQ stattfindet. Es war noch fast niemand da und die wenigen die da sassen, haben ganz scheu vor sich hingeguckt. Ich habe beschlossen, mich da mal anzuhängen. Manchmal ist es echt anstrengend immer den ersten Schritt zu machen und halt mit vielen Leuten zu quatschen. Man spricht oft über das selbe und manchmal ist es echt komisch, weil das Gespräch einseitig ist und keine Fragen retourkommen... Vorallem merke ich das bei den vielen versch. Kulturen. Die Briten sind sehr höflich (gut, was heisst schon höflich... das ist in jeder Kultur was anderes. Ich sollte wohl eher sagen, bei den Briten fühle ich mich wohl), sie fragen dich auch Dinge retour, sind interessiert, labern nicht zu viel und sind echte Profis im Smalltalk würde ich sagen. Bei peinlichen Schweigeminuten wissen sie immer was zu sagen. Die Deutschen, wenn man die anquatscht, die hören echt nicht auf zu reden. Ich weiss nicht ob das ist, weil ich so interessiert tue (aus Höflichkeit halt) oder ob das bei denen einfach so ist, dass sie dich nichts fragen und die Kommunikation füllen indem sie dich einfach mit ganz Zusammenhangslosem volltexten. Das hab ich jetzt echt schon oft erlebt... Klar gibts Ausnahmen (gibts auch bei den Briten), aber so generell wurde ich ziemlich zugetextet von den Alemannen. 
Dann die Niederländer. Bin zwar noch nicht so vielen begegnet... Aber bei denen konnte ich oft schnell ein interessantes Gespräch beginnen. Es war stets oberflächlich, aber über ziemlich Gott und die Welt. Mit einer Niederländerin habe ich mich über Länder und die diversen Sprachen unterhalten, mit einem Niederländer habe ich mich über die diversität von Studienrichtungen unterhalten. Und so weiter.
Südländer, sowie Italiener, Spanier, Südamerikaner, Portugiesen, Franzosen (sind alle sehr ähnlich von der Mentalität her) kann man sich auch sehr gut unterhalten, es ist aber anders als mit den Briten. Mit denen kann man schnell über persönlichere Dinge wie Beziehungen, Heimweh und solche Dinge reden. Sie lassen dich schnell nahe kommen. Ich meine es jetzt nicht im physikalischen Sinne.
Die männlichen von mir genannten Südländer sind sehr initiativ, Sie flirten mit dir. Gehst du nicht darauf ein, springen sie schnell zur Nächsten. Das ist ein klein Wenig der Grund, warum ich gar nie darauf eingehe... Wie soll man sich so als was spezielles fühlen? 
Das sind alles Erfahrungen, die ich gemacht habe. Es kann sein, dass es in zwei Wochen schon wieder anders aussieht! Ich will es auch nicht generalisieren, was ich gesagt habe. Ich bin überzeugt, es gibt auch ausnahmen und ich versuche mich nicht zu stark von dem Leiten zu lassen. Also nicht zu schnell vorzuurteilen. 

Jetzt habe ich aber viel gelabert. Man könnte meinen ich sei aus Deutschland... Spass.

Jedenfalls trafen sich an diesem Abend viele Kulturen. Es gab viel Fleisch zu essen. Ich habe mich zuerst mit einer Brasilianerin unterhalten während dem Essen, als ich dann rübergeschwappt bin zum Briten, der Chemie studiert hat. Als unser Kreis grösser wurde und wir fertig waren mit essen, hat ein britisches Mädchen ein Ratespiel auf dem Handy gezückt. Man musste sich das Handy an die Stirn halten, während ein Wort auf dem Display erschien. Die anderen mussten mit Pantomime das Wort erklären und der, der das Handy an der Stirn hatte musste raten. Das war echt lustig. Wir spielten es so lange, bis ihr Handy kein Akku mehr hatte. Was nicht sehr lange war, da es ein Iphone war. Haha.
Dieses Grüppchen beschloss noch in eine Bar zu gehen, worauf ich aber nicht so lust hatte. Also setzte ich mich woanders hin und sprach mit Jan und Dave. Dave ist aus Melbourne und lebt aber im Hostel. Er ist nicht der erste Local, den ich in diesem Hotel getroffen habe. Er ist 54 und habe nicht ganz herausgefunden, was er arbeitet. Er hat glaub einen Job hie und da. Aber er geniesst es im Hostel zu leben. Was ich voll nachvollziehen kann. Jan ist Deutscher und auf Weltreise. Drei Monate lang springt er von Land zu Land. Er kommt gerade aus Sydney und war bereits in Amerika. Die nächsten Wochen wird er in Asien verbringen. 
Es war echt witzig, Ich habe mich für Jan's Weltreise echt interessiert und wollte mehr hören, aber Dave liess uns einfach nicht quatschen. Ob er wohl eifersüchtig war? Er war ganz simpel einfach stockbesoffen. Da er eh nur rumgelallt hat, haben Jan und ich einfach gequatscht während Dave vor sich hin gelallt hat. Was aber schon etwas anstrengend war zum quatschen. 
Dave hat sich ca. um 01.00 ins Bett bewegt, während Jan und ich noch bis um 4 Uhr morgens unterhalten haben. Wir hatten echt tolle Gespräche. Er hat Fitnessökologie studiert und hat mir ein paar tolle Sachen erzählt.
Todmüde bin ich dann mal ins Bett. 

Merry Christmas!

Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014

From Launceston to Melbourne

Hello my dear blog readers

Yesterday I arrived in Melbourne, and to be honest, this city is awesomely awesome! I like it more than Sydney. Not more than Manly, but definitely lovlier than Sydney. 
I stood up very early in Launceston Arthouse Hostel and the first thing I did was having a shower. Having showers in hostels is a very exhausting thing I reckon, because you have to think about everything you'll need in the shower and bring everything with you. Things like shampoo, towel, underwear, fresh cloth to put on and so on. Every time... If you forget something you will have to go back and pick it up. Last but not least: the key of your room! 
Than the other thing is, me as a girl I don't want to have a shower before I go to bed, because that would mean that I have to go to bed with wet hair. So I have to shower in the morning. 
Thats the story about having a shower in hostels.
After I had my shower I went to the kitchen and I had my breakfast. Than I took my things and went to the busstation, where my bus left from Launceston to Hobart, because my flight went from the airport in Hobart. The bustrip took 2 hours 30 min. During the bustrip I could see a lovely landscape and very remote places. The sun was shining but in the bus it was freezing because of the airconditioner... so I had iced feet. 
Whatever, we arrived late in Hobart, which meant that I had to take a f***ing taxi to the airport which costet me 40 bugs!!! Damn. A very freaky old lady as my taxidriver took me there. 
When I arrived I was surprised again how tiny the airport was. The check in took me less than 5 min and than I waited for my boarding. I sat on a random table with an Indian very very very very very beautiful lady. Seriously guys, that lady was SO beautiful. She obviously had dark skin and ultra long black straight hair. She wore dark red lipstick and had light blue eyes! 
I was sitting there very shy and looking around when she suddenly started talking to me. Her teeth were big and white and she had a beautiful British accent. She was such a nice lady. So we talked about god and the world and while I stared in her eyes I realised that she had coloured contact lenses. Ha! You can only see it if you look carefully. Clever lady. With her dark skin it looked amazing obviously. I don't know her name but I learned that she is a lawyer and is originally from London. She moved to Tasmania because of her husband. She already has grown up kids which means that she is at least 40. And she had no single wrinkle. I was amazed. 
She missed her flight because she was talking to me. oops. 
My flight went quick, we flew for 1 hour 20 min and I arrived at 3.30pm in Melbourne. After my baggage claim I took the bus (there is no good public transport in Melbourne) for again fu***ing 18 bugs to the center. From the center I decided to walk to the hostel, I was sick of expensive trips. 
I walked for 30 min with a heavy backpack on my back and one on the front... I don't want to complain. Actually it was a funny experience to do that. 
Unfortunately they put me in a female dorm (seriously, I HATE female dorms... bitchfight!!!). There often are very old ladys who don't want to be disturbed and go to bed at 7pm and that sort of sh*t. You always hear "sssshhh!!!"... even when you're not really being loud... 
Whatever. They had no other rooms. 
On the reception is a very beautiful guy working, from which I couldn't keep my eyes off. He has a bush of curls on his head and was wearing a cylinder with a black leather jacket and boots. On his wrist he had lots of jewellery and also lots of rings. I know you maybe imagine someone really funny now. But I was amazed by his face. I can't even tell the colour of his eyes but his face was so pure and smooth. 
After me moving into the room I went buying food from the supermarked and cooked myself dinner. Later on I decided to talk to some more people and went to the living room. There I talked to Gary from Scotland. His English was awesome, not only because of his accent but also did he have a speech impediment, which was very cute. And I talked to Michael from the Netherlands. We were talking about God and the world for a while, than I went to bed. 

First a few pictures from Launceston.
on the right hand side you can see Jesse, my local friend from Launceston. His voice is unique. 

The Arthouse Hostel in Launceston

Jesse playing the piano

on my way to Hobart out of the bus... 

on my way to Hobart out of the bus

Now a few pictures from Melbourne!

Montag, 22. Dezember 2014


my dear blog readers

Today I take my time to tell you my funny day in Launceston. 
Yesterday, the 22nd of December Simmo gave me a lift from Wollongong to the Sydney domestic airport. I took the plane on 10 o'clock to Launceston. 
As soon as I arrived I realised that there are no buses from the airport to the city center... So I saw other backpackers being disoriented and I went to them and suggested that we could share a taxi. It was an Italian girl, a Chilean guy and a Argentinian girl. The Italian girl talked continously to the taxi driver, which was why the taxi driver decided to show us around. I was not listening so I was confused because I saw we were heading to a more rural place. I thought I don't ask, because if I am not where I want to be I just leave them and call another taxi... 
However, we stopped first at a national park (I'm sorry I have no clue about the name) but it was so beautiful. We were standing on a viewpoint where we could see a vale with a river and at the end of the river (right among us) there was a lake. A big grass field and lots of people. It lookes so beautiful I can tell you. We went back to the car (the taxi driver was always with us, he told us things about Tasmania) and headed in another direction. We went to another beautiful valley (not as beautiful as the last one) with a smaller river. We had a lot of funny talks with eachother and I learned that these guys are all working in Manly for many many years. Than he took us to the city center.
I arrived in the Arthouse Hostel (which I can highly recommend, because its very nostalgic and family-like) at about 4 o'clock. I thought "ok, I want to talk to some more people!" and sat in the living room. There was a guy sitting with his guitar with very long blond hair. We started talking...
He's local and his name is Jesse, lives in Devonport ever since and is now in Launceston because his band practises here. He studied theatre in Launceston and he was such a funny guy I was laughing all day with him. 
Anyway, he went "I'll show you around, I have nothing to do anyway..." so I grabbed my wallet and my phone and we went to a museum around the corner. I was so happy, mainly because I always instantly talk to locals and they're the best, secondly because he was sooo friendly and sooo cute. On the way there he told me that he tries to do music and art for a living. He really has what it takes I can tell you, I heard him playing the piano, the guitar and singing that day and he's awesome at it! 
I was wondering why he didn't want to continue acting for a living. He told me he was sick of all these theatre-bitches who think they are actresses and than he imitated them. I was laughing so hard!
Sooo good. We had a lot of fun in the museum and than we headed to the city center. We ate some nachos there and after that we walked around some more. When we went back to the hostel we sat outside to some other people.
There was a Swiss guy called Sam (the first Swiss guy I met while travelling!), a German guy Didi and a guy from north America Zeb. We talked for a while when suddenly Didi's girlfriend Bianca and Zeb's travelling partner Macy joined us. Seriously, we were talking the whole night. At a point Jesse left us because he had an appointment with his band, but he rejoined us at approximately 11 pm again. Zeb and Didi went to buy some more beers and Sam & Bianca went buying pizza. Yummie. Jesse noticed a note on the reception saying "Phillip H..., here are the keys of your room, you are in room ... ". It was the same room as Jesse. So we started to wonder where Philipp comes from. Macy guessed he's from the UK while Jesse was certain about that he's Canadian. We found out the next morning, he is from Northern Ireland. So Macy was right! But that was the topic of the night, where comes Philipp from? So funny.
I went to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning but woke up at 8 o'clock, because my dormmate made such a noise while packing. Why can't you pack the night before you leave? 
Whatever. After I stood up I went to the common kitchen and talked to Macy, Jesse and Zeb again. Sadly they all left this morning. But of course we changed contact details. 
I'm having a great time guys!
But I found out that I'm pretty fu**ed up without a car here in Tasmania and for two days everything stands still. Every. single. shop. has. closed. No buses, absolutely nothing is going on. So thats why I decided to cancel my flight on the 2nd of January and changed it to the 24th of December to Melbourne! I'll spend Christmas and New Years Eve in Melbourn guuuuys. And I have to say I'm pretty happy that I did this. 

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014

Yayy... Camping at: Jervis Bay

This is the cutie Indy... She's feeding a bird we're actually not allowed to... Oooops... Whatever, it was funny. Jervis Bay is a Nationalpark in Australia, approximately three hours in the south of Sydney. It has the whitest beach in the world! The beach was awesome I can tell you, so beautiful. When you walked on the sand, it made funny noise. We built up our tents in the bush and made ourselfs comfortable. We were drinking some cocktails and had a delicious dinner. But sadly we were sooo tired we just went to bed as soon as the sun set. 

Here you can see Byron and India. After we arrived in Jervis Bay we went for a walk along the coast. I left my thongs on the beach, when we came back, they weren't there anymore. I can't believe it that someone would steal your thongs in Australia? Seriously? Why would you do that... However, it didn't bother me no longer. I just stole Simmo's thongs... 

Byron and India mocking around... As you can see, Byron was wearing his trainers... while I lost my thongs on the beach. I would have rather done the same as Byron... Haha... It wasn't very sunny that day but still warm enough. 

Me with my awesome new shirt... I was wearing it almost the whole time. In the background you can see Edan walking. 

Soo... the water in front of the pic is a bit brown because the leaves in the water acted like tea and made the water brown... That's at least what Simon told us. The temperature of the water was freezing and for the fact that it wasn't very hot that day it was a bit cold. On the pic its me, India and Edan trying to see something cool under the water with snorcels and that stuff. The rest of the beachday we were sitting under the trees where the river met the sea and played with the sand (built walls and tryed to change the channels direction). 

Isn't that cool? Simon's cam is waterproof. Awesome. 

Montag, 15. Dezember 2014


Hello Canberra!
As you may guessed I became too lazy to tell all my stories. Probably this is because I've found so many other things to do :D don't get me wrong. I love to share my stories. But I prefer just uploading pics and make you guess about what was going on.
Have fun!

Hahahaha, Diabetes? Warum steht da Diabetes?

Me and Mark!

live concert =)